Orphanage House
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    To begin, I would want to express my gratitude to Sir Yamin Bin Kamis for guiding me through the process of developing this website so that I could successfully finish this assignment. To tell you the truth, constructing it in a single day was not an easy task. I will freely confess that there are many instances in which the code does not execute as intended ed. However, with the assistance of both my lecturer and my friends, I was able to complete work well before the deadline. I am grateful to both of them for their assistance. I use www.w3schools.com as a guide to complete this assignment.

    This website contains information about Pertubuhan Anak-Anak Yatim dan Kebajikan Darul Izzah located at Jalan Telok Ira, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang. This organization is one of non-profit organization where their purpose to help the people who really needed help and sherlter. The purpose I'm doing this website is to fulfill my subject qualification which is IMC456: BASIC WEB DESIGN AND CONTENT MANAGEMENT.


    Orphans and other children from disadvantaged backgrounds are given a safe haven at this non-profit organization, which was founded in 1996. The Home gives its dependents a place to live and pays for their education at the Asrama Darul Izzah, which is the home's own in-house religious school.

    Education is being provided without charge. These students will have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities as part of the course structure, which will serve as a foundation for them to grow into mature, ethical, responsible, and healthy individuals.

    © This website is not the official website of Pertubuhan Anak-Anak Yatim dan Kebajikan Darul Izzah. This website was developed for the purpose of learning HTML & CSS only. Best View Chrome Resolution 1920x1080. Last Updated 23 January 2023. All Rights Reserved

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